Tuesday, November 2, 2010

New Kid Down e Block

Isn't the white tiger up there adorable?
If only they weren't canivorous then we could keep em' as pets haha
"Come on tigger, gooood boy. You're sucha good boy aren't ya?"

Anyhoo, T.Tan said that scientists have predicted tigers would be extinct in 12 years.
Like O.O!
It's so saaaaaaaaaad :(
Next time when my children ask me what tigers are I'll be all like
"Um.. They're orange zebras that eat people."
Cos i'll prob forget how they look like, I could look up on google but still.
Gah, Its so sad.

So I'm back to blogger and my mac doesn't read html from blogskins.com and I'm a total noobie at this sort of stuff so I'll keep to the basics
Until some kind bored soul wishes to help me out on my blogskin :)
I hope to keep this blog for like long term.
Stil rmb my previous blogs, all abandoned aft awhile.
The url I thought of were sooo cheesy!
Things like "pinc-perfectiionist.bs, shelovesamia.bs, red-lipsmackers.bs, xiiaoyu-perfectiionist"
Laughs-at-self HAHAHA :p
It was the twit season that time and I guess the words perfectionist and flawless were really popular. Idk Why.

K shall go off and do all the acelearning lessons and quizzes (There's sooo many, heavens.)


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