Friday, November 25, 2011


Hey so ever since the Os ended I've been drowning myself in food and not having that much fun as I expected to. With all the errands I had to run with my dad or even alone (tsk..) At first I wanted to join this post up with some other stuff but it'll turn out to be a hella long post so I decided to cut it down to just: Food.
Here are some of the things I divulged myself in either w/ fam or alone. Mostly alone.

Lobster Linguine from Coffee Club. After I had this I got a sore throat maybe cos I sprinkled too much cheese. Had this for dinner with shihui and my parents (Hahah it was like a practice of how it'll be like when my future partner has his first dinner with my parents) It was.. okay.
We also ordered this I forgot what its called but it was just heavenly. There were like cheese and some sorta meat inside of it and they also provided salsa for that extra kick ;P
It isn't onion rings. Inside of it is squid so I have no idea what to call it actually.. Squid rings? I'm sure there's a proper name for it I just forgot. It was alright my mom's fav since she LOVES squid.
Had a decent taiwanese late lunch at the Int Building. I didn't get the cafe's name but anw it was situated at a lil corner on the 2nd floor. Really cosy cos it is small. The cold tofu and drunken chicken were top of the list tho the chicken had lotsa red in it. I can't take bloody meat so I had to peel off the white meat which was a teeny bit troublesome. Nevertheless, it was tasty.
Haagen Daz @ Wisma. We could choose 6 flavours and if I rmbed correctly we had: Raspberry sorbet, green tea, choc, vanilla, strawberry. It was nice but I don't like how we had t eat it up quick cos it melts so fast. I heard that gelato doesn't melt easily so I'm itching to try that soon.
The usual. Ultimate and chicago cheesecake. I had this one alone when I went to westmall for some .. things. Funny how nowadays I forgot things so easily stm much. I couldn't finish it cos the portion was so big and I was hoping the crust at the bottom could be thicker otherwise eating just the cheese part itself was kinda.. like cheese overload.
Quick lunch w dad at sakae @ 1rafflesplace. The quick stop for sushi indeed :o) For more authentic japanese cuisine I would recommend the one at raffles town club (Forgot the name, again) or even Sushi tei is nicer. Things at sakae aren't super fresh.

Had this yest alone for dessert. It was superb I really liked how if you just eat the soft serve, red bean or ice itself it wouldn't taste outstanding but when you take a lil of each and pop it into your mouth it really is delicious. Too bad I couldn't finish it cos it was a v generous portion and I was literally freezing. Shivering like crazy and prolly looked like an idiot sitting there :p Anw this is from MOF I didn't know now they even serve sushi and the usual stuff a jap shop serves. Their california handroll was alright too.
So yeah the past week I ate like a pig. Am so glad tmr there's ballet can't wait to get back. I heard from Gin that they're preparing for a concert if practice has been gg on for a long time I doubt I can catch up but I really do hope I can be a part of it *Fingers crossed.


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