Sunday, June 29, 2014

Week 0

It all starts tmr. MYCTs and the preparation for uni application + As + volunteering work etc. Prayed to God just now fr the week and suddenly had multiple flashbacks to when I was living in Cck and everything was about mommy rohana. Walking around her coffin during her funeral, trying on the wigs she had and fake breast pads she had cos she lost her hair due to chemo and had a mastectomy. And then I started crying, wondering how different life would be if she were still around. If I hadn't ever met mommy Winnie. Sigh idk why this just came to me.. Hopefully I still rmb all my bio tmr. I honestly did my best already. 

Friday, June 13, 2014


First off I'd like to make clear that I have never been to a club before, neither have I gotten drunk. I've only ever had wine over food when it was appropriate and I stopped drinking once I started to feel a little woozy. So if you think that whatever I'm gg to say later on is bunk because I have never clubbed before and therefore make miscontrued statements, you have every right to feel that way. 

I also got nothing against people wanting to have fun and dance their night away. The act I have a problem with though is when people INTENTIONALLY want to get drunk and wasted. And when clubbing becomes a lifestyle. 

For the rest of this post, whenever I mention 'club', it'd mean the person clubs frequently and drinks past his limit almost or if not all the time. 

Now that I've set some ground rules I'd go about listing a few common 'benefits' or 'reasons' for clubbing that I have come across and why I do not entirely agree with them. 

1. We should club because it's the peak of our youth (live young wild and free)
Why would you define your youth with your clubbing days? I'm the kind to turn the tables on people and ask them then do they mean that if one hasn't clubbed while he was a young adult, he hasn't truly enjoyed his youth? I'm honestly having problems finding the right words to make myself sound convincing right now. I don't mean to say that as young adults we should all aspire to run for presidency/be a millionaire/climb mt Everest. But I surely wouldn't look back on my youth, think about the strangers I drank shots with, the random guy I went home with and feel proud of myself. If clubbing is truly fun for you and if you enjoy dancing to loud blasting music/challenging yourself to take in more alcohol/spending your entire night away from home with your 'homies' so much you think you'd shrivel up and die without clubbing then by all means continue! If being under the influence of alcohol is your only way of feeling alive. But for the rest of us who are thinking of gg to a club or have been pressurized by your friends into going too many times in a week, don't tell yourself it's something you OUGHT to do because it's a symbolism of your youth. You are worth more than that. I assure you the world has far more greater, more enjoyable things for a teen/young adult to get involved in. 

2. Clubbing lets you expand your social circle. 
Oh yes definitely. Think about all the fresh faces you saw that night, the new followers you got on instagram and the subsequent invites to parties you got from the bunch of guys you met the previous time at the club. You suddenly feel like you know so many more people and it's exhilarating knowing that you're known to so many others. But how much do you actually know about them? When the loud music fades away, when your mind is sober and the fancy clothing comes off (not literally) are you still able to hold a decent conversation with them? -I'm imagining clubbers yelling YES at me lol- 
Meeting new friends and forging stronger relationships is a common desire. And it is important, there is no way I could live life without the support of my friends. However, I have to disagree with those who claim that it is the best or easiest way to gain new acquaintances because "alcohol is a social lubricant". You may have been more open towards a stranger under the influence of alcohol but I highly doubt that a true friendship would be able to blossom from that first encounter. I even have friends who felt that it was weird for certain guys they met at the club to invite them for a meal (not at the club). I am totally going off tangent here but my last take on this is that if your potential 'friends' are not receptive towards you because you decide not to go clubbing with them too often or if they call you a spoil-sport then good riddance you don't need such friends. For instance, I have close friends who club (more than I think they should unfortunately) and they know that I am not fond of it so they never ask me out for their late night adventures but we still remain close friends. They respect my decision and I am extremely grateful for that. I am learning to respect their choices too but I am really REALLY finding it hard to. Okay I've branched out from single point so much I don't even know where I'm headed towards anymore. Guess that's why they say the female brain is like speghetti. 

That's it. Peachy, I only got 2 points out. I could've sworn I was filled with so much to say earlier on. Oh yes I was gonna talk about why I don't like clubbing. I can't promise I won't visit one in the future just to see how it's like but I am dead on me never EVER being a serial clubber. 

I don't like the music they play there. My classmate was playing some house/techno music from his phone in class and I had a headache just listening to it for awhile. I also YouTubed club music and I am not fond of it. At clubs, people love to dance to the music and just let loose. Believe me, I love dancing but to music I actually like listening to. Think NON-REMIXED Christina Milan AM-PM / J.Lo's Get it Right etc. I know I have told people that I dislike loud music because you can't talk to the person beside you without shouting your head off but it depends on what kinda music it is and where it's being played. If it was at a concert (I would have to like the singer/band) and people generally just had to be in the moment and enjoy the song I have no qualms about it. 

I do not enjoy jugging beer and taking gulps of alcoholic drinks even if it's a form of forfeit for a game. Reason being IT DOESN'T TASTE GOOD. This is subjective though I'm sure there are people who enjoy the taste of strong alcohol rushing down their throats. I'm not the sort of person who would drink something that didn't taste good jus for the sake of it. I like the taste of wine when I'm sipping on it in between bites during a meal. I esp like it when it's cold because it warms your body. That's about it. 

I detest the feeling of not being in control of your own body. I guess I will never be able to understand the joy of losing control of your mind and soul to intoxication. I feel that I can still have fun, speak honest words and be sane at the same time. Seriously though what's so cool about getting drunk and wasted?? The sight of people vomiting all over would make me so sick. Why is it that some people speak about themselves getting drunk like they've achieved a milestone in life? 

I don't want to spend my night away partying. I don't want to be at a club between 10pm to 4am the next day and go home feeling like the walking dead. I want to be able to wake up the next MORNING not feeling like I got whacked in the head. I want to wake up the next day and have breakfast with my parents and talk to them about the week's happenings. Lastly, call me a stereotypical person, but I have a bad feeling about the kind of guys you would meet at a club. Because c'mon. A bulk of them would be there to get fresh with a girl if she's easy. And guys like that are not people I would feel comfortable being friends with. If they think they can just chat you up after one night or if they think that they like you after seeing you all dolled up, I don't think it's something to gush about. No they may not be shallow, but if that's the way they "hunt for prey" then step right into stranger zone gentlemen. 

I stand firm on my beliefs. I know I've been called overly sagacious and I admit I have a weakness of always trying to push my opinions onto others thinking I'm always right. I have made a conscious effort to not impose my views on my friends which is also why I'm writing this here instead of sitting all my friends who club down and start nagging at them. I would very much prefer an evening sipping on a blue lagoon with friends at a bar, a live jazz band, funny conversations than hitting the club. And if you're still bent on clubbing then.. to each his own.