Thursday, May 26, 2016

Miss me?

no flair for writing
fingers hovered over this keyboard for a good 45 seconds before I started typing.backspace.type.delete.type. 
Searched for a fleet foxes playlist on Spotify n' got indie gospel songs 
Is this you, God? 
Is who I am now, at this present moment, 
Who you had in mind when you were writing my story? 

I feel myself covered in wet clay
I claw at my face and my breasts 
Skin is exposed, yes
Only to have my potter put slabs on me to cover the parts I ached to reveal 
In the morning I wake to terrible sunrise 
Here we go again 
I don't want to be awake.
I find solace in my dreams -as wacky as they can be- 
In my dreams I am someone I can never be in reality 
I am someone better. 


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