Tuesday, January 6, 2015

To future Amelia

Hey.. It's been quite awhile since I've last posted here.. or anywhere else private for that matter. Needed to get this out and thought I might as well just write a 'comfort' letter to myself lest I don't make the cut. What cut? Okay so it starts with me getting the conditional offer from Glasgow. Yes I've been offered a place in Glasgow Vet school which will only be confirmed if I achieve A grades in Chemistry, Biology and Math. This is the part that kills me because I honestly feel that I will not get an A in Chem and Math. I'm not even being pessimistic about it.. I'm being realistic aren't I? You know when you aced it and when you're somewhere between acing it and messing it up. I'm in those grey areas for Chem and Math. I even counted the marks I would get (I don't know how method marks would be given so I gave myself a few mercy marks) and I got less than 70. I can't lie to myself when the numbers already show that I'm short of an A. And for chem.. well.. I don't think its worthy of an A. Which kills me because I would be satisfied with a B for those subjects bc an ABB is pretty good and it'll get me into a 'good' course in a local U. But I now have to get an AAA to secure my place in Glasgow. So, if a miracle doesn't take place. I'll probably be really crushed but I'd already expected the worst. This is what I have to say to future Amelia who didn't make the cut.

Hey future Amelia,
what a ride. From drafting your personal statement to the countless uni talks and seminars you've been to. To the interviews and getting your conditional offer and failing to meet the cut.. I just want you to know that this isn't the end. Sure, you can't go to vet school in the UK now but there's still Aus in 2016. I know what bothers you is the heavy cost of vet school in aus. Just talk it out with dad and.. see where that goes. Don't feel like you're lost, you've gone so far already. Most people don't even get interview offers. Be glad for the opportunities you've been given and lean on God for answers and direction. There is no point moping over your grades, you know you've done your best for the papers last year right? Good. So then there is no room for regret. You didn't meet the cut bc of how you performed on the day itself. Sometimes we prepare so much for something but end up not performing up to standard on the day itself. Rmb when you actually made a wrong turn during your ballet exam? Even when you've never had that mistake before? The thing that most girls would worry about is whether she'd get the double pirouettes right and there you are making the wrong turn lol. Or during your driving test? When you actually mounted the kerb? You have NEVER mounted the kerb before and you did it at the directional change which you always got right. The point is.. we always practise the tough questions and brush up on the weaker topics but what seems to get you are mostly the things you didn't THINK you'd make an error in. You have no control over that. So please just let it go. Do the things you CAN do as for now. Continue working, gain experience and start planning your next step. Will it be a gap year then speech pathology/vet in 2016? Or a local U in 2015? Sit down and ask yourself what you really want and whether its practical. You will go places, Amelia. Don't settle for a random degree and a random job you have no interest in. Do what you love and make sure you can put bread on the table with that job. I love you, always. So does daddy God and earth Mom and Dad. And honey. And your closest friends.
Stay strong,
Present Amelia