Friday, November 19, 2010

The Time of our Lives

Grad night'10 is over :)
Heard from some seniors that it wasn't very good with the organisation and all.
But T.tan said it was good that we managed to control the rowdy crowd. So I guess It's good then. Couldn't recognize a few seniors cos they were all so pweety with the make-up and all. Even we had to put on some, Ms Wu did it for the girls. But I don't rlly like it.. dries up my eyes and so mafan to clean off. So next yr It'll prob just be some blush and ta-dah!
Hahaha, I promised so many ppl that I'll go shop for dresses w them, do our hair and stuff. Like Von, Cyn, Sim, Min, Qing, Cat. Don't think I should have promised so many.. oops lol. Will try my best though! But before gradnight comes our Os.. dang it.
Today's weather is sho naise. Rainy weather when you're cooped up at home is (y)
Hm.. Idk what to blog bout since I usually do when I'm uber bored or sth amazing just happened. Well, open house just happened but it wasn't really amazing. BUT I'LL DEF BLOG BOUT MY WEDDING HAHA. Everything would be white and blue, I'll have a wedding cake made of cupcakes and me and hubbie will do a viennese waltz. SWOON~
I blogged cos I was asked to :l Lemme seeee, ohhh yeah!
Minzaw and Jerome was so funny on gradnight. From the corridor in the hotel I saw a guy playing a keyboard on a grand piano. Then they started saying "DOUBLE PIANO! ALLL THE WAAAY ACROSS THE SKY." I was like whaaat lol? Then they told me bout this video on youtube bout a guy who saw a double rainbow and did that. I went to youtube it but I think I got the parody one. Shall try again ltr :)
Yest I had net. It was quite fruitful, about faith and doubt. It's really hard sometimes to pay up what you pledged. But I'm sure God will provide :D Even though I'm the youngest in my net but I feel quite at home. The rest are either 19 or 21.
Shanghai people are gg off tmr early in the morn! Take care guys, 11 days is real long :(
I'm not gg anywhere this year end but looking forward to next yr aft Os! Hopefully gg to a few states in the US except minneapolis to visit my aunt and cuzzies cos its damn cold thr.
Wookie dokes! I'm done here :) Will be back when I'm bored or when sth great happens. (Like if I fall in love tmr and decide to elope and give birth to a daughter whom I'll name Briseis or Briseida.)
Brad pitt is damndamndamn hot in Troy! Hahaha


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