Friday, November 25, 2011

Brink of deliverance.

There's some kind of hush all over the world tonight.
Life has been awesome! everyday since Os was an adventure. I cannot ask for anything more for this holiday. No homework, no burdens, no n o t h i n g! Yest I climbed the tallest hill in Sg and saw the whole of Sg it was amazing. The cars looked like lil ants from up thr.
Just kidding. Everyday has been like (Look above.) & hahah I actually wanted to say more after the ants thing to y'knw carry on the sarcasm but I honestly couldn't think bout anything smart. Boredom is affecting my creativity even :l But still, I did go out of the home on a few days.

Open House. I only went for like an hr to watch choir's performance. Only then I realised how small choir really is and that kinda scares me.. Everytime when SYF is rd the corner we become super hardworking and we sound fab but after that the drive is gone and we go back to square 1. Ever since I was in sec 1 it has been this way. Really hope Swiss Choir goes onto greater heights.. The girls have so much potential. + I'm really proud of the sec 2s and 1s so many of them participated in sports day and danced during teacher's day. Just goes to prove that Choir girls aren't feeble and untalented. :p
The weekly net. We ordered sarpinos that night and couldn't finish so had to dabao. Don't like it when they don't let me pay.. Caleb says its cos I'm not working yet but hello?! I get allowance. Didn't even let me pay for the taxi fare. When I get my first pay from my first job they'll prolly all be out of youth ministry alr and I'll be a net leader in my own net. (Kinda scary at the moment don't think I'm ready.)

Alas! Melia finally returned her overdue books of half a year. I bought this book from popular wanna get the bookworm spirit back up and running in me. Anw reading books is a good way to kill time :))
This seems like a really rushed post.. It isn't really. I just am pretty direct in this post so no drags and whatnot. And bout the title? Completely random. I was listening to Shakespeare's in Love and just typed it in. K so.. I reckon next week would be more packed with concerts the conference and other activities. Can't wait :o)

I thought the POP was tonight I was wrong it was yest I missed it. Can't believe I missed it.


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