Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rojak Post.

ChanMeifei why're you so flexible. I still rmb before she went to Sota I was muuuuch more flexible than her. Now it's the other way ard :p Its aight, you'll serve as a motivation for me to train even more @ home despite the Os. And I'll come back to ballet with a perfect center split :)
A few of my friends has been feeling rather down lately. So Cheer up guys! Life has more in store for you and time doesn't wait. We're only 16, it isn't the end of the world. (Or is it? o.o) Revelations, the apocalypse stuff aside, we donymany years to go. Unless you die young.. If I die young, bury me in satin. Lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in the riv- So rmb to always look right and left and right agn b4 crossing the road okay? :) Haha the pt is we shouldn't dwell on things which aren't gonna stick with us for the rest of our lives. Friends come and go, enemies too. But our O level cert sticks with us till the day we die. Its funny how we know the right thing to do yet we don't do it.
Start doing the right thing, melia!
So yea.. just be happy okay? Sometimes whn things are really gg bad like you became pregnant or whtever just be happy you're alive. That way your glass is always half full.

Or better yet. Full to the brim :D Okay so my amath assigns are like ugh crap im still @ differentiation. On the bright side, I'm concerned and im trying to finish em off now. See? Ofc you can't always say its ok cos I finished trigo alr lol that'll be you deceiving yourself. :O
K imma pig :p Supposed to take an hr nap the same time as Dom. Ended up sleeping till almost 7. Lol-ed when I looked at the time and the msg "Wake up Amelia... you sleep like a pig." Thaz iz why I staz up till naoz. I was doing amath just now. 1995 piglets ftw! Next time I shall receive wake-up calls haha.
Wow. This is such a rojak post. Ballet>Cheerup friends>Positive talk>Sleeping. 4 in 1 (y) K so imma end here.
I am so getting rojak w/o beansprout and w/ extra youtiao tmr before choir wakakaka. :p

"No one learns from your mistakes, we let our prophets go to waste."-Advertising Space @ Robbie Williams.
Check this song out, its an oldie. But really naise, the lyrics are so literature study worthy :)


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