Sunday, March 13, 2011


I missssssss you all dearly. Dk if i should be :) or :( that I can't even find a photo with all of us in it. We rarely take photos when we're out, even when we went swimming @ min's place. Still rmb the really hilarious vd we took of us singing the songs we had to for the sec2 music project thingy. Hahaha, Cat was so funny in the background and qing kept laughing. & that day I made simin cry cos I was too harsh on her bout the singing. I miss the walks home and when qing and min will keep bickering and we'll have to reason it out for em'. I miss Cat helping me to fix my tie whenever I ask her too. And when she pokes me while doing so heheh. No matter how I piss you girls off you never ditch me. You just say it in my face whtever you don't like bout me and i like the frankness. Like I'll ask:"Am I unpleasant in any way?" and you all will prolly say:"You're fine melia just sometimes you can be a lil selfish."
I miss the t-shirt design for acmq which didn't happen. I miss COMING UP WITH ACMQ. I liked how being with you girls were so flexible, you wouldn't diss me if I couldn't hang out with you all or whtever. Hate that we all kinda split up. Hope we can walk home tgt again soon. Love'yall even if you girls don't really 'know' me right now.
Thank God for good friends.


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