Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Maybe we're tryin' too hard.

I ate @ udders today. Ballsy Mint ftw! Been long since I last ate ice-cream so that made me feel nice today. Went to Westmall with Cuiting to get Choir syf stuff. Syf. This friday! Can't wait. I love you girls, no matter what we get imma still be proud. Oh yeah you know how the tables at udders have really cute short comic stuff? There was one that said:"This is why you don't give cows large straws." And it shows a cow drinking from her own .. breasts? Idk what they're called lol. I keep thinking bout Family Guy eps when I'm bored in class. PICK UP MY POOP!
It used to be so obvious whr I stood last time. Now I'm not really sure.. Oh well :l
Wait till my hair grows longer teehee. Sorry no deep thought process-y post tdy. Not really thinking much bout other stuff now that my whole head is just bout choir. Except that hm.. Prayer works :) Even the smallest thing you pray for can be answered. I like sharing testimonies even if it isn't those Lourdes Miracle sort, I just thank Him even for giving me a good day. Hm what else what else..
Oh yeah I watched a vd of seahorses (male) giving birth, it's really cool! It's like squirt* 100 babies. Bout 10 plus squirts hahaha. That species can give birth to bout 1800 babies. And they are so darn small o.o And I ain't gonna do those friend ranking status thingy again. Thr are some ppl I can't write for cos I only know their names. I'll just write long letters to close friends on gradnight :)

REALLY WANT TO GO YOUTH CAMP IN JUNE. It's at rompin, the place whr my 1st ever youth camp was held. No shopping at all so no distractions. And its waaaay further away from the adults whoops :p Adult camp 1 is at malacca and 2 is at penang. Hm Penang's food is a must try though. But youth camp rocks more. Hope dad allows me to go despite the studying for Os thing. It's just 5 days.. come onnn.
Abrupt ending much heh,


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