Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friends and Fat Issues

Pictures like this makes me wanna be a pro photographer when I'm old. Talking bout old.. I'm 15 going on 16 this year. It's so scary when I could just remember my 1st day at kindergarten. Or the days in primary school. I miss those times, but we all gotta move on. I always wanted to quickly grow up or be old enough to ____. Now I miss the times when I wasn't old enough to do things by myself. When my dad would tell me not to take things down the upper shelf myself cos I was too short and might break things. Now I'm pretty tall. But that's a whole different thing altogether. Watch out for my next post, its gonna be on puberty and how the letter A really suits me. Kidding :p So yeah I really miss em. Y'know how you just can't get over stuff that happened like 3 years ago? I'm beginning to let go of something and it makes me glad. But I can't get over what I did to my friends when I was way younger. Making em' cry by saying hurtful words to them, pulling their hair, spraying hairspray into her eyes. Even though I don't do that anymore, it doesn't really make a diff cos I didn't say sorry. So the thing is I'll like to hear an apology from someone but I know I'll never get it. @ the same time, I'd like to apologise to an old friend but I can't find the right time to cos we aren't really friends anymore. So does it cancel out? I hurt someone + someone hurt me= Nothing happened. It isn't right :/ God, just continue to strengthen me and teach me how to forgive and love others the same way you've forgiven and loved us.
Stop hating your bodies. To all the fat people out there, If you're fat cos you eat too much its your fault stop saying you were born that way. Quit eating macs all day and go to the gym instead of crying at your reflection. If you're fat cos you were born that way and you've tried everything. Except liposuction. and you don't have the money. Just continue to eat healthy and live life. Don't dwell in self pity and hate on all the people who appear on mag covers. Don't just wear a sweatshirt all day. For girls, wear flare blouses so they'll hide your flabby arms and stomach or sth. Show those stereotypes that you're fat and proud of it. If they look at you snobbishly, "I'd live longer than you in a blizzard and I'll be able to sleep soundly during times of war cos I can be my own pillow. Beat that. Twig.".
And to all of those average people who think you're huge, ask people for their opinion. Cos if it isn't true, that you're gaining weight.. you may have symptons of an aneorexic. But if you are gaining weight, head off to the gym! Lastly to all the girls who are thin/slim and aren't really getting heavier. Stop announcing to the whole world that you're getting fatter- in your mind. Cos what girls usually wanna hear as replies are:"No you aren't, you're so thin.." It boosts self confidence. But how would truly fat people feel when they see you saying:"OMG I must start gg on a diet, I'm getting so fat." when you SHOULD be putting on a few pounds in the 1st place. So yea. This goes out to all the fat/ugly people in the world who have great personalities. Stop hating like your haters they love it like that. Love yourself and know you're go far greater in life than your stick thin enemies.

Doesn't this look a wee bit like Lewies? K random haha. Idk why such a random post came up in my head but here it is. I alr got another post in mind. Gonna blog bout April Fools' Day cos it was sooooo awesome. And also how I got back my wallet which I lost for awhile on friday night. K last ballet lesson tmr, gonna take lotsa pics! Goonighty :)


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