Thursday, March 24, 2011

Which seat do I take?

This week was prolly the most perfect week I had. Good things happen everyday, like that 1 thing that makes you forget how sucky the rest of the day was. Today I'm oveeer the moon cos got to catch up with acmq :) Had lunch then hwking with em in class till like 6:30. Pretty productive and full of gags hahaah. It feels good to be back, they were like "Eh you cut your hair? You renovated your room? Your pencil case change? You changed your shirt size?" Same reply: Lol very long alr. Same goes for me out to em', just realised how much we've missed out on one another. I know I don't really hang with simin as much in class cos of a few reasons.. kinda talked bout it today. But its aight, I hope every thursday would be acmq day! The thing is, I like knowing and meeting people but at the end of the day, there are always that small group of friends you turn to.
Its late but I feel good cos I finished all my overdued amath asses. Really, total pain in the ass. No more procrastination melia! Now imma left with Biology but a lil break with blogging here :p Tgif tmr and do i loooove fridays. Really looking forward to end of syf and free fridays. Now the 12:20 dismissal doesn't really mean much cos of cca. Don't get me wrong, I love choir and the pretty girls and carson o.o but I just wanna 100% studies. No more excuses/distractions. Rhia went with her buds for suckerpunch, gonna ask if its good. The girls look hot though, moooovie? Ehh, we'll see :)
Talkin bout movies, I haven't seen up. Slow much.
This is pweety hilarious. And unhealthy. At least now producers know where to look for the perfect boy if they were to make a similar film with real ppl lol, or he could just get quick $ by being the mascot. If only guys in my school looked cute and oversized in ug uniform. Joke hahaha. Off to work :(
Bye sweetcheeks.


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