Monday, March 21, 2011


Hey short one- still gotta do chem and el :l
Today was pweety good, I felt so serene in some sense. Plus Inch Chua came to Swiss to perform! She sings really well with the guitar and everything, sg's own taylor swift :) Am I right, or am I right? The rock band was uh.. not as good but my friends and I still made it fun anyway hahaha. Headbangin huh? I'm more towards soft rock, Bon Jovi stuff. Music like Led Zeppelin (?), I can't appreciate that much. Oh and mdm chok told us all to seat down when we were all alr standing.. spoil sport :p Anyhoo, we were attempting the accent hahaha. I like how Inch Chua talks. It's like a cross bwt Sg and America accents. "Oh my gosh, your hair is like so cool." try saying that in valley accent o.o
Hoping tmr would be even better, hope I can wake up uuuuurlee in the morn to bathe. Oh and I wonder why God created Insects or ants. ANTS. Ugh they kept coming over and I think I killed families in class.
imma get down to work.

I see a near revival, stirring as we pray and seek; we're on our knees.


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