Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Yap. I've hated people before. Reallyreally badly. But eh don't worry I'm not gonna blog bout how angry I am or was o.o More on how I decided to just let go, okay I'm not like a hundred percent over it. Just I learn to not mind it anymore. And note that I didn't forget (Impossible to) and I didn't forgive. Because forgiving someone's both ways, how can you forgive someone if that person doesn't want it or seek for it? Anyhoo, came across a quote which was sth like this: Hatred is like holding a piece of hot coal in your hands and wanting to throw it at a certain someone; you get burned instead. I found this very true. The hours I'd spend thinking and thinking. or crying and what do I get from that, uh. Nothing. Except really bad days and low self esteems.
So yeah. There are things we can or should avoid no matter how much you want to settle it. People all have flaws I guess, mine's being selfish. Just frustrating when you see your friends marvelling @ how good or caring that Tom/Dick/Harry is when he's just a piece of shhii-. Sigh. Y'know what? Every sinner has a future the same way every saint had a past. I'm looking forward to the day he changes. Either that or the day I know I wouldn't have to see him agn.
Love your enemies melia, they HATE it.


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