Thursday, March 31, 2011


Too bad in Sg you can't just scream out in public without looking strange. And there's no high up all-naturale place you can hike to and scream your troubles out. I've always liked echo-ey places. It'll be like:"Hello. Coooool there's echo! ECHOOO.ECHOOO.EHHH.COOOO." haha nah i don't do that. April fools! Is. tomorrow. Then again wheeere can we hang up our troubles. And by troubles I mean like stuff you shouldn't be unhappy bout' but you are. That sentence sounds grammatically wrong.. ah heck. I know we should committ em to God but sometimes don't you feel like destroying things. Like buy a dartboard set thingy and stick your homework on it.
But no matter what we just gotta keep running. Just keep on swimmin' keep on swimmin' Hm I didn't do anything for Honey's birthday. Sigh, promise after Os I'll bring her to turf city to play with the other dogs and go swimmin' too! Sometimes I wish I were my own dog.
So yeah.Be wise and let it be. Been asking many 'what ifs' lately and like Idk if we're gonna blablabla. Thing is we never know what would happen in the future. No one knew I was gonna be in swiss and meet awesome ppl 10 years ago. God did, but no one human did. So thinking bout what would happen next is prolly okay once in a while but when it gets too frequent its kinda a waste of time. Not as if the more you think and hope that Matthew Morrison would divorce and marry you he really would. Its often what you do now that determines what happens later so start doing and stop questioning melia :)
Yap. Pretty random I know. But its kinda true yeah? btw, thr's a tumblr page for rules of a gentlemen. Most are quite true. Its funny how some guys like to lead girls on (Or vice versa), like Boy A knows Girl A likes him but he doesn't like her. Still, he keeps her on a leash. A few harmless flirting right? So girl A keeps thinking boy A likelikes her back when actually he just wants to play her. Then when he gets bored of it and girl A finally confesses he'll reject her. And blame it on her saying he never once liked her and it was all her crazy ideas when he was dropping false hints everywhere. I hope people like these get a taste of their own medicine and die single. Or. meet someone who truly loves them and manages to change them. Cos that's what love is right? Making each other a better, happier person.
Emo much. But its kinda true we're all on rollercoasters now. Or better yet, bumper cars. Suddenly wanna play em haha. Anyhoo, If I could make improvements to this drawing I'll prolly add stars @ random areas in the mash up chunk of lines. Because there are things we have or are gonna go through in life. And even though many ppl go through the same thing, it isn't always really the same. Like falling in love, getting married, having your 1st child. Many people experience it and each experience is different. Like say when you fall in love just like everyone else does, be happy cos there's only that girl/boy in the whole world who loves you back.

Let's go find some asses to kick :p Maybe that's why most loud people succeed in life. Loud meaning um confident of themselves and daring to talk back to a superior when they know it isn't their fault. Hm, i guess we can't just take things in. We're pretty comfortable now in our homes, not having to worry bout letters with bills in em'. But 1 day we're gonna have to manage our own finances and stuff. If you do get married good for you, you got a partner to help you out and divide the workload. But some people just stay single, preference or circumstances alike they all got to do things themselves. And you only got yourself to rely on.
Late now, tgift yayness! These are times when I find purpose in blogging and get jittery gathering the photos for the post. Haha, here I go gonna press the 'publish post' button :)


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