Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today they on-ed the aircon despite the rain, today class was small, today teachers were nice, today I got the mr bean ice-scream. Today, I survived today. & that's good :)
Although. For a short period in class I felt like Lilo. When it was humid and I was coughing and the lesson was like a funeral speech. But! I survived today & that's good :)

If only I collected all my ballet stuff since I started out. I have no idea whr I chucked my baby ballet stuff to. Its aight, I'll just start collecting em' now. Rmb when I said as you go up to higher grades the leotards get more revealing? Yap, pink and innocent to black and ________. Fill in the blanks haha, von would kill me if I insulted her favourite colour. But black is sleek too. And classy. What ever happened to the 'let's go sonata and get custom-made leotards!' plan? So far I only got 2 black, 1 red and 1 blue. And they're all standard ones. Hm, after Os I guess.
I miss dancing. & the going to town part that comes with it. I haven't been really doing exercises at home and that's bad, what if I go back to ballet knowing nuts about it and Ms Kok makes me do Inter for 2 years before the exam? o.o Really hope parents would allow me to go for attitude classes :/ It's only once a week! Now that syf's over, I have nothing else to commit to other than studies. Oh bummer..
I miss these ice cones! The last time I ever had one was in Vancouver with Juliana and that was when I was.. 6? It wasn't even rainbow coloured. Mine was blue, ryan's was red. Wonder if they sell em here in sg. If they don't I can always set up a franchise here right? Hahaha :) Ate ice cream on the way home and ate it reallly fast cos I don't eat the melted part. Wouldn't it be nice to eat ice cream during winter. Can savour each bite cos it never melts. Ah japan, was 2 years ago. Time flies by too fast, wanna zoom past swiss life and thentake it slowly from there.

Can't believe I say this to myself sometimes. When I start thinking bout what to wear and double checking in the mirror. When I stare at myself too long then.. "Ugh melia stop it you look fine." its like my reflection talking back to me lol. @ least now that i don't got to go town for ballet, I don't have to be so conscious. My weekends are basically Church, fam, studies. So yeap, you're on the right track back melia :) Gonna wait till Os over to try on the new clothes I never wore. Many still have their labels on ._. I guess different girls have different um stuff they like to buy. Like cyn has 36 pairs of shoes, Val has every colour of headband and accessories you can name, Von has every P.e shirt colour. F21's gonna miss me for a long time now.
This is one of the many rojak posts I wrote. But Wetnesday much, rainnnn and rain. I like it when it rains when I'm sleeping in. Cos the sky would always be dark and it doesnt look like It's too late to wake up. :D
Bye guys.


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