Thursday, July 28, 2011

I wanna be an astronaut.

So career talk was just yesterday and God am I glad I went :) There were 3 speakers- senior senior senior alumni and the 2 young alumni. I paid extra attention to the banker and doct ones. The other.. wasn't as articulate and he kept beating rd the bush. A N Y W A Y, started to feel really proud of my dad and wondered if that's the feeling he's been wanting to get for a nong time. To be p r o u d of me. Hm, this isn't gonna dampen my mood so moving on~
Daddy in style. K not really lol.
Joces and net friends have always said my dad was 'style'. Kinda weird how they say it. Seeing your friend walk outta the fittin room and gg:" Damn girl that's what I call STYLE." hm nah my dad just happens to have his own personal fashion consultant aka only child *Royalty wave* I bet when I was still in strollers, I alr helped my dad pick clothes. Like nod or not. And know I give more constructive criticisms like: "No you'll just look like an old man tryin'a dress young." Which is kinda true actually HAH. So yeah, pretty glad he doesn't wear those 'uncle' shirts with the random patterns.
When I was young, I really wanted to be just what my dad was. A banker. Then I realised I don't like numbers so its unlikely that I'll ever be a banker. Communication skills muz be vali gud too. My dad drilled me since I was able to talk, thankful for that.
Last Sat I brought the girls to edge! They didn't like the loud music SO DO I. Trying to tell pastor to get the music guys to tone down a lil. Anyway, it was a blessed evening ;))) About Catholics practices being more 'holy' than us Christians? I beg to differ. My previous church also sang hymns, prayed diff, didn't speak in tongues. Y'know as long as you worship the same God, it's still awesome. Just cos you go to church and do those stuff? Christians and catholics alike. It doesn't you any more a christian the same way hanging ard in a garage makes you a car. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE HEART.
Gotta love leme cam :))) This was kinda lika rojak post thoughts flyin ard everywhere but yeap, better than nth right?
P.s AM eyewear's rockin the house.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I've missed you.

If only I got my mom's long V shaped face instead of my dad's fishball face..

If only she did those cheesy stuff like write me letters for my 16th bday and 21st and got my dad to give em to me on those dates. Anyway, she was a beautiful beautiful woman :) Haha wonder which part of me looks like her.
K prelims 2 coming. Sciences gotta buck up a lot :l Bye guys goodluck!

Friday, July 15, 2011


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Beautiful girls, all over the world.

WHY IS TERRI KWAN SO PRETTY. I just watched her in starlit and her character died in the end which was pretty sad. Jerry yan was awesome- as always. He should totally date terri, same age and look so compatible. Compared to.. lin chiling. terri looked so ordinary and girl next door so wasn't expecting this side of her. Looking at her makes me happy :) Go girl power!
Random post anyway :S

Friday, July 1, 2011

What's my fav colour?

So as you guys know, my parents went to Taipei a few weeks back. Oh wait I don't think you knew.. Anyway, they took lots of photos including the one above. Those flowers are so pretty. They're like clustered in balls.. They'll go great as wrist corsages. In case you're wondering what it is, this is a corsage.
Pretty eh? Prolly go with your favourite flowers (My favourite flowers are daffodils but I don't think you can put daffodils on a corsage..) and also what you're wearing. But usually corsages don't go with cocktail dresses cos they're mostly to show off your legs, no one would look at your wrist. Corsages are.. sweet and I can imagine it with a long flowy dress that blends in with your skin tone. Most fair asians would look fab in pastel colours. Like peach, cos we got black hair some brunettes but we'll be like (white,brown,peach) Ozzum possum.

And when I looked through the pics with my dad, he said my mom was very hiao in some of the photos haha and its true! Look.

God knows what she was doing or trying to do.. Anyway then I realised that adults have their posing times too haha. Like how we got our peace signs and manymany diff cutesy poses. My mom has her special one of a kind pose here. And my dad has his "This is me posing for a candid like in the mags" pose. Tho.. you aren't supposed to pose for a candid.
Now doesn't my dad look good? Hahaha. What was weird was that these photos were taken with a dslr and its supposedly really good but when I put it tgt with the pics I took with Lemecam on the iphone, the quality wasn't as good. Guess its the effect or the lighting o.o

Anyhoo, this is my iphone taken with dad's iphone. Really like the cover, didn't know they sold Cath Kidston iphone covers too, I thought it was only bedsheet covers and stuff. Floral isn't really my type esp on clothes but this made me realise that diff patterns/colours look good on diff stuff! Like to different people as well, I like repeating patterns and those indie outta the blue weird shapes kinda stuff on my clothes but not on iphone covers.. Floral's good. And for furniture and small table top items I usually go with 1 colour stuff or teak wood. So yea, these few days have been mugging and exams and also less usage of comp cos almost everything can be done on the iphone :) + discovering more bout what my preferences are and stuff so.. that's neat! K back to studying.
Bye Qt pies :*