Tuesday, December 13, 2011

H to the I to the LAAARIOUS.

This video is awesome so glad Russell posted it on fb that's how I came across it. The guy really looks like the actress who played summer in 300 Days of Summer. Anw it is so true esp in those chick flicks hahaha and I realised I do say this often:"Could you do me a huge favour?"
Like ALL the time I ask fr a favour its like that hah this video is genius.
And yes I am still in Canada. Only 4 days left here that sucks so bad.. Initial plan was like 2 weeks but mom only had limited days left on her leave thing so we had to break it down to Hk, canada and tokyo. And in canada further break it down to Vancouver, Victoria, Whistler and Mission. I'm in whistler now and its minus 1 or 2 ish degrees outside. Gg skiing tmr, prolly won't try snowboarding I've 0 confidence in that sport.
The sleighing looks fun tho! So excited woohoo x x x x
& We MAY (May meaning it is possible) go for a 2nd trip to Bali :o) That'll be a really short trip like 4-5 days? Just to enjoy the water sports like water rafting or snorkelling. Man the last time I did water sports was like.. idk how many years that was eons ago.
So yeah. Yaynesss~

Yet another one of my rojak posts thoughts flying everywhere but the last pt I wna make is. I saw the tweets bout the Abercrombie and Fitch models? If I were in Sg I'd prolly be excited and all but being in Canada honestly even the guys working in supermarkets look like potential hollywood actors. Seriously! Chiseled features, deep set eyes, tall and sharp noses. Idk bout their bodies everyone's wrapped up in layers of thermal wear. I guess it's true most westerners look more attractive than asians.. Me being an asian that makes what I said unbiased hahaha. Okay so.. thats it?
Yap. That's it. Until next time, byeeeeee
Cheerios! Have a good one!

Friday, December 2, 2011


Hey sup just a quick update cos I am super duper tired right now. The weird thing is I'm physically tired but I can't sleep. It's like I'm still spiritually awake and excited for tmr :o) Things have been doing great these days, brought a few friends to the conference and genuinely hope they received sth from the night rallies just as Hilda and I had. But I'm just the least bit disappointed that a certain SOMEONE couldn't (Wouldn't) make it.. Hope there'd be more opportunities fr people to come visit theedge.
Oh yeah, pastor Rich preached bout a sermon titled: Bringing Sexy Back. & it is so true so awesome everyone needs to hear it. Esther even recorded the audio hahah. I took down notes so imma post it like soon fr y'all to read. It's basically bout sex and relationships and the 2 big Js women should look for in a man is 1. He loves Jesus. 2. He has a Job. Ofc it doesn't just stop there lol otherwise it'll be so easy getting in a r/s and getting married. No. 3. for me is we gotta click. Kinda like substrate enzyme y'know? Like how we have telepathy and the other person is able to finish off your sentence and know what you're gna say next and laugh at your jokes no matter how awfully lame they are hahaha. Anywaaayes. Noticed how I used women cos I'm kinda still a girl and the only 2 men in my life is Jesus and my dad. Gna stay that way for a really long time, just an fyi. Think when I'm in my 20s ;) "Velcro r/s ftw! Cyber high-5 :p"
That's that for the conference. I've been thinking bout making a post explaining how I got my blog name cos it didn't just pop out in my head (I'm not that much of a genius haha) I'll think bout it and who knows maybe I'll let y'all know!
Cheeriooos and have fun lol.
x x x x x

Oh and um for the record, I was kidding bout the migrating thing. If you didn't get the "I Kid" @ the bottom.. idk lol now you know. As much as I wish I could just bring my whole family elsewhere I can't. For now. So yeah, bye!