Wednesday, December 15, 2010

All I Want for Xmas.

I'm dreaming of a white christmas, with every christmas card I write. May your dreams be merry and bright and may all your christmases be white.
Yap, xmas is coming (Like next week) And I've come up with a wishlist :) I don't expect anyone to buy any of em for me.. But It's kinda just for fun so here goes.
Polaroid, its expensive I know. Esp the films, but when my new room is done I wanna take instant photos with family and friends and use a pretty peg to attach them on a long yarn string on the wall. So I'll always be remembered of the company I have.
Vans shoes! Been wanting this a long time.. It's really good quality and I don't have any going out shoes other than school shoes and track shoes.
An assortment of sticky notes! I really need em for next yr when I'll have heaps of notes and I gotta categorise them and such. Also to make a quick note to remind myself of chores or hwk.
A waterbottle, definitely bigger than this hahaha :) Just found this pic rlly cool. I don't drink a lot of water so an average sized one will be good. (Um, but not those pokka green tea plastic type) best if its blue, hee.
Lastly, a reliable source to watch glee! Was gonna ask for the disc for season 1 selling at $60 at HMV but.. I don't mind if you give me a website that is 100% reliable for every ep in season 1 and 2. :) So bring it on, fellow gleeks.

K this is nth, just found it really cute hahaha. The artist is awesome being able to draw sth like that. Even if it was digital art. I like how Quinn's undie shows, totally cheerleader type. Besides, a cartoon butt isn't at all obscene :)
Wokay, that's all I want. Maybe not for christmas.. potential ideas for my bday next yr huh! haha :p Buy-eeeeeeee.


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