Thursday, December 9, 2010

Child Prostitution

Most of us are like her, happy and contented w our lives. I am, though sometimes I get angry just cos my dad wouldn't let me have the newest in thing or when I couldn't watch a movie. Then some others here get into gang fights or disputes on the web which doesnt make any sense cos its all talk. Like a snow ball fight, they hurl insults at each other and their identity sometimes unknown cos its on the web (that would be their fort) then in the end ta-dah nth really happens. Like total anti climax, the whole thing was just for show. With all the hokkien or whtever dialects "humji" blabla. And the victim often suddenly goes into self pity like "Waillll, she called me a biatch. :(" & Its rlly alright for them to feel that way cos its their lives but honestly. They should quit being so caught up with these small stuff when some other place in the world a young girl is being raped.
Or have to give her 'service' when a man comes. Child prostitution is so real.. The last one i heard bout in sg was the huang na case but thats not prostitution even. (rip) I'm talking bout girls who don't have a choice cos all their lives they've been living in brothels and having un protected sex and get hivs and stuff. And they get wasted and treated as.. toys. Like damn it can't those guys buy a sex toy for themselves? You can even make one.. but lets not go into that. Anyway, gah its so frustrating when like prolly now some girl's crying at the pain and you can't do anything. I've always wanted to do missions with the church, they go to places whr they plant the church. I wish they'd plant one like in the center of the slum or the places with the highest no. of activity.

I just wish someone would fly thr and exterminate all the guys who've screwed a child who was unwilling. They're so afraid of sex when its supposed to be sth beautiful. Like with the one you love (married), and all their lives they've been having sex for the wrong reasons and they cant stop it. Like.. Charity is good and all, the old folks do need food and facilities but money isn't the best way of helping other ppl. The best donation is yourself, to like rlly go out thr experience it all see it for urself and take action. Idk much bout Mother Theresa but from what I know she's the real deal. She actually does it. When in sg, the mediacorp artistes just work hard for a performance or dance and then ppl donate. Like (i'm sorry but) its so stupid. "I shall donate money to the sick and poor cos joanne peh looked so awesome dancing just now." huh?
Might as well show a documentary (I know they did but it was just small clips) bout the ppl's lives so the ppl actually donate cos they want to help or maybe cos they sympathise them. But at least the money was given for the right cause.. Sigh, why did God create sex if he knew it was gonna cause this much trouble. This was a rlly long post which prolly doesnt make sense :l
humph, byee.


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