Thursday, December 16, 2010

What goes up must come down.

The 3 biggest things that took place in my life for 2010 are over. (Except Christmas). And next year's thr's just gonna be new surprises, downfalls and a whole lot more of mugging. It really bugs me but I just hate it when good things come to an end. Makes me realise that nothing lasts forever or even the period you wished it would. Every happy thing is like a lighted candle and for the moments when its so beautiful you're on the top of the world then someday the wax would all melt and your everything= nothing. And its sad. Of cos, there is 1 thing that lasts for eternity. God's love. But still, with our carnal mind sometimes His love isn't enough. This is wrong but I'm still working at it. Anyway, here are some of the things that were enjoyable but ended. All I have of em now are photos and memories.

Sc camp. Was pretty awesome that the sec3s were in charge and we got to manage our own time. Although gotta say last year's was better. Sometimes, following's much more fun than leading. Status=Over.
My birthday :) 22nd October fyi. It was the best birthday I've ever ever ever vvvver vvvvvvvveeer errrrr eeeevverrr had in my 15 years on earth. Usually I'll have a dinner with parents followed by cake, song and present opening. Last year, I got a sewing machine from my parents (Wasn't the most useful present) But still, thanks dad mom! Anyhoo, my friends weren't so much of the festive type so didn't receive many gifts or even wishes for that matter. But this year I got so many wishes and anonymous presents under my table hahaha. Choir was the best, the cake and all. I screamed and screamed when lia took out the board. I love surprises, you can give me a surprise anytime.
Then, there was YOG. Both good and bad, bad my grades dropped like hell. Good I got to dance my heart out and have fun at it. The practices were crazy, morning till morning. (Literally). Like 7am-1am. Just dancing and figuring out our positions. The lil girls were the cutest, too bad I don't see much of em cos we're from diff branches. Oh the moment I'll never forget, was when Ms June Lee the Vp of School of Dance did the (y) to me. Walked to me and said "Idk whats your name but you were very good. very good." And I didn't screech like those Bimbos on tv, I swallowed my pride and just smiled. So even though YOG caused me to fail 5 subjs, thank god I went in and experienced so much. Oh but sth I think is really unfair is that other schools that participated had cip points or cca points. I heard from one of them that they maxed out their points cos of yog. School of Dance has nth. Cos we're not associated with any schools we're just a dance company. Which kinda.. sucks. Oh well, Choir do more cip!
Lastly, youth camp in June. It was better than I expected, I thought I'd be a loner there cos I've backslided without Weini gg to edge with me and stuff. But I got to bond with the youth so much more! Even though they're so much older, like 4-7 years gap. The games were nasty but still fun haha, downright dirty. Captain's ball with a whole raw chicken? Grossed out max haha. But still, got to experience God more thr. It's just so amazing how He forgives you every single time if you'd just ask. And I'm glad I got what I prayed for, I wanted to not be nervous or scared whn I have to pray. & now during net or aft church praying is sth enjoyable and not a burden. He's so wonderful, if only the world could see that.
So tht sums up the 3 big things that happened in 2010. Actually.. another thing is that I made new friends and got to get closer to many. Like a lot of them; Shihui, Rhia, Hilda, Von, Emily, Ayesh, Dominic, Cheryl, Bern, Jennifer, Gabriel, Caleb, Olivia. manymanymany more.
I hope my friendships never end but I know someday they will. One day I'll have to say bye to the people up there. Y'know, having that many friends doesnt mean anything at all. Cos one day they'll all have their own lives to lead and only some will stay behind to help you n be with you. And those people are usually the least expected, i do hope Min, Cat and Qing will always be there. I've sorta neglected them but it isn't easy cos we're from diff classes. But to min, i love you a lot and you'll always be a very very special friend. You were thr and accepted me when I wasn't welcomed in Jc's clique. I'll always be grateful for that :) Thr're many things to write bout my friends. I'll prolly do dedications some other day.
As for now, bye guys and I hope you hold on to the ppl around you!


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