Tuesday, May 31, 2011

17 Elephants on a cake.

Tried out a few interesting effects on this web, way better than cameroid actually. There're so many other effects and backgrounds to choose from. So.. I'll let the pics do the talking here :)

Why are asians so yellow.
This is so fail haha. At least I know Amelia and red head + centre parting don't go.
Buffmelia. It's weird how my face turned out even darker.. Looks like I fell face flat on a grill. But anyway, I'm hot B)
I look olive :p Newest member in suckerpunch heh.

I looove this one, fits pretty well yeah? Wow reflex much, I just sang the theme song in my head haha.
Wokay this is pretty laaame..
Bye! (Kinda dreading tmr, I gotta facil a group of cl students and my cl sucks how did I get distinction for oral o.o)
If they're better than me it'll be such a disgrace.. & a waste of time.


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