Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Crossing fingers behind back.

Wassup. Exams over but sigh results. Why must they go through emath paper in the hall- short of manpower much. Anyway amath was not good for me, didn't feel very good at the start. Bio was better, hope my studying paid off! Tdy went to pizzahut for lunch then came home to chiong watch likable or not (I know I'm slow and that this drama came out like eons ago.)
Here's a pic I have of my cousin from Indo, cute right? So tan when he's a baby, what more when he's older. CHARCOAL! Hahaha kidding.
Can't believe I took this photo with my 8.0 megapixels cam. Such a lousy cam can take artsy photos. Sigh if only there was winter in Sg, I'll spend my time cuddled up in quilt on the swing in our backyard reading Richelle Mead. And I'm still waiting for "The Last Sacrifice"
Behold. My cousin's boyfriend for 7 freaking years. Since she was 16 all the way till now-23. It's so rare to come across relationships like this. And if I'm not wrong its her 1st relationship, it'll be such a blessing if she met her soulmate at 16. Well 7 years ain't enough! I wish her a dozen more 7 years to go. Till death do us part

It's been so long since the sanmao era. This picture was.. sec2? I miss having seniors ard, we'll be the ones taken care of instead of how it is now. But being seniors has its good sides too :) like.. abusing our authority heh kidding. not. Glee's ep20 is coming out soon. Supposedly gonna be aired today in the US but according to my intelligence and vast knowledge on the world geography it isn't 10 May in the US yet so gotta wait till tmr :( K tonight imma sleep early and not study at all. If you're reading this, please do not do not do not ask me bout my results k? If I wanted to tell you I would. Anyway you'll prolly see it when teacher passes ard the list for us to sign-times like these I hate being index no.1. When you see my sucky score please keep it to yourself, thankyou.
Wokiedokes! buyyyyy.


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