Saturday, May 7, 2011

Smitten Kitten.

She dances really well, sings okay and acts her character in glee fantastically. Heather Morris for'ya :) Though I still love Kherington Payne but her acting skills are mediocre. Fame, I'm gonna live foreverrr.
Sigh I miss mah long hair. There was more stuff I could do with it and I could actually smell it. Ugh sorry my thoughts are everywhere I'm multitasking right now and I.. can't. Anyway I saw Jo's link on the waterfall braid and it looks great. But uber tedious though :l
Moving on!
I really envy people with perfectly aligned teeth. Those who were born that way, no braces or invisalign. Most malays have really good teeth, like Irfan or Hadi. But I guess we just gotta accept how we look like cos that's what makes each and everyone special in God's sight. And yes I took that from a song, TEEHEE (In the NigaHiga way)
So this is what everyone's been teasing her bout. Even Tay Pinghui had a picture mimicking her. Sigh I'm not a fan of politics cos of what Dad said: Politics is dirty. But still twitter and fb was flooded with all these poppycock bout Nicole Seah and other mps. I just think that every party has its pros and cons and we can't judge a party just based on a single candidate. It's pretty sad that a few really old mps are now out of the parliament. 30 over years of their hard work, hm I guess its time for them to retire anyway. The same thing goes with Leekuanyew, the only reason why he's still up and running is prolly cos there's nth else to keep him occupied if he retired. Wife is deceased, children are busy with their own lives and he's alr in his 80s. The only thing he can do is work work and moooore work.
Breaking Dawn Part 1 is coming in late Sept I think. Look at the wedding ring on Bella! Sho BIG. I wonder if its rated, there're prolly sex scenes. I hope it isn't too visual, they can just smooch then go under the covers and the whole set will fade away then transit into "the next day" ahhahahaha, ohhh amelia.

Its true that pregnant women glow. Or maybe its the effects of editing idk. I just know that I'm looking forward to what life has in hold for me. Going to uni, getting my first job, having my 1st relationship, getting married, having kids. I can't imagine children looking like me! That'll be so cool. When I talk to my dad though he says that all the stuff he's been looking forward to like a promotion or a lexus. Once they come true you gotta set a new goal for yourself. And sadly or luckily, which ever works.. most of his goals are set upon my life. Like becoming a grandfather or feeling happy that I've finished my education I'm happy at work blablablabla.
And then one day we die.
Heh. For now, SA1 amath and bio I hope you go easy on me. (Gotta go revise now, really gotta make full use of today amelia you can do it!)
Bye Cupcakes!


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