Thursday, January 5, 2012


Hi. Did that make you jump in ur seat? I hope it did.. Haha HELLOOO. It's been so long since I've blogged. The last time I blogged was 2011 :( Well I'm here now so smilee :o) Honestly, I didn't make full use of this break. I could've just found a job despite the 2 weeks overseas. My dad gave me a job but it doesn't count.. & the job is so tedious! Didn't know my parents took so many photos of me when I was a baby allll the way into childhood. Moving on~
So for starters, I got myself a new specs (Okay my dad got me it) Still trying to used to it tho.. It's a black full frame, makes it feel like I'm looking at the world from inside a telly x_o
My cuzzies came over for the xmas gathering last sat, I really like the girls. The boy? I don't adore him.. (Not being biased here alright, you'll know why in a sec) He's a lil obnoxious at times like he can just say the word "Cock" infront of the adults and he's 12 alr. Plus he shows- Okay I've decided not to say too much here who knows he stalks me :p We had BBQ and a kinda pot luck thing. #Sadgirl95 that day we didn't have turkey, ham or a log cake. Gosh typing this makes me hungry :l
B i g g i e disappointment here.. My sky dancer earrings are sold out. Btw Erickson Beamon replied to my tweet bout wanting to save up for a EB head piece hahah I was sooo thrilled! I know I know they're darn expensive. Why else would they be made out of swarovski crystals? I guess I'll have to put EB on hold till I make $ myself.. But the one in the pic above (Forgot what brand) is pretty affordable. Sometimes I feel like telling my mom to not buy me accessories from SK J. or Swarovski.. I'm not a fan of tiny sparkly things. Unless you go on a date and the guy really notices, what's the pt? And wearing such a tiny and expensive thing on casual occasions is too risky. Not like those skydancer earrings.. sigh so pretty. U N I C OR N S are beautiful mystical creatures. Wonder if they have em' in heaven hm. x x
Went down with a flu recently and had tea to soothe it. Hilda asked me if tea really does soothe flu. In terms of healing the illness I'm not too sure but it def does make you feel better. Esp if your nose is dry? Breathe in the 'steam' from the tea it feels really good. And tea is tasty! Instead of drinking cold drinks, coffee or if you're like me you think water is boring. Tea's yeabsolutely perfect :o) There are diff kinds of tea I like Earl Grey, Chinese and Camomille (However you spell it) but English Breakfast's too strong for me. So yeah, lol I've become so random nowadays x_o
This is an accidental shot when I was vd-ing myself singing "Little House". It's a simple, beautiful song sung by Amanda Seyfried. Also a soundtrack from Dear John. I really am amazed at how Amanda could go from acting a dumb blonde in Mean Girls to musical films like MamamamaMia and romance in Dear John. I hope she and Dominic Cooper get married haha.
I tweeted this photo a few days back.
I come from the land of the ravenous bunny eating ninjas! x
Boredom. My body clock is totally wrong now I've been sleeping at 4 or 5am and waking up at 12 or close to 1 everyday.. I'm the most alert at night hoot hoot* Okay so basically melia's life is.. not super exciting at the moment. It will be starting 9 Jan tho, results results! Can't wait I hope the teachers don't drag it too long kinda wish we could just go to school collect it and go. Oh and I gotta pay the 5 bucks for the library book I lost. Bummer to the maximum :( I haven't paid my national library fines too.. I'm so irresponsible :p
Okay it's late I'll try to sleep earlier tnt, g'nite x !


Anonymous cremation nevada said...

Greetings girl. Looking good.

May 14, 2012 at 5:29 AM  

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