Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yea. We're kickass dancers.

Friends. are forever. Gotta love my girls in ballet :) They've helped me through with so much and they're damn good in dancing. We're super committed to our work (Ms Kok said that hahaha) Even though thr are some rather quiet ones in the class but we laugh at the same stuff. Mostly cos of Alicia lol. (The one who's sitting on Meifei.) Thank god she doesn't smack our boobs anymore. Now I know when you're in a girls school you become more open hehe. Not all of em are in the pic above though..
Valerieeeeeeeee. Haven't seen you since you fell sick and laid on the toilet floor like 2 weeks ago. Come back soon wokay? You have a really cool laughter, like a dolphin really haha. Still haven't recorded it yet boohoo.
Vermelle. You're the most unique girl I've ever befriended. Though you like to draw emo stuff like someone cutting his own wrists and you listen to songs I didn't (Or the world population) know. You're actually really happy! You're like a bit of the girly and punky Avril Lavigne. Oh and I love your red hair.. I knw its faded now but still haha @ the pic. Dye it back before you go back to school! Lol oh and despite your age (13?) you know how to go diving, jetskiing and manymanymany more. Cos of your bro I suppose. And I really admire that :)
Meifei and Alicia. You guys are like the strongest in our class and you'll always coach us when we're wrong. Help me roll my muscles so it won't go bulky. Esp Fei with all the anatomy stuff you learnt in Sota, helped me alot :) Teehee. Alicia! Stop randomly punching me in the stomach lol. Oh and thanks for lending me $ all the time.
K. This is Larissa, super cute right? And this was taken during the Yog days. I remembered she pee-ed on stage and they had to make her wear a cute lil black shorts. Hahaha, so adorable. (pssst, she dances the exact same thing as us the jiejies)

Lastly, Colette Cayla and rachel.
Cayla is another one of the 'babies' , really like her bushy eyebrows hee. Colette and Rachel on the other hand are from the Macpherson branch. But recently they've been coming to our class at Scape. Got to talk to each of them for a while during or aft classes. I always had the judgement that ppl who club or smoke are rude and dirty and have f-word fetishes but they're prob the nicest ppl I've met :) Its really easy to talk to them. Somemore, Rachel's 18. Looking forward to seeing more of em next year. I like blossoming friendships :)
Wokay, this post was kinda random. Just a thought anyway.
Oh the revamp is in progress hehehe, so excited :D


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