Saturday, January 21, 2012

4 in the morning

Idk what I'm doing not sleeping at this hour :l Can't sleep w/ all the coughing and this fly that buzzes next to my ear when I attempt to sleep. So here I am. Watching random vds on youtube. But hey I found this one pretty cool, look how its like almost perpendicular to the ground when they're gg up. If you can ride this, you can ride any roller coaster in the world. The mummy one in USS was fun. The most extreme one I've been to was the scooby dooby doo (However its spelt) one in Gold Coast. It's so weird how in the vd the ppl don't scream, like honestly screaming makes it feel better. The 1st few times I went on a roller coaster, I didn't scream I just held on to the cushiony thing in front of me and chanted "God protect me God protect me" & closed my eyes the whole way while the girl beside me screamed at the top of her lungs. So in the end I barfed, it was nasty.. So yeah.
& DO watch Valerie's vds on youtube. She made like 4 covers alr I think? Just search "Valeriedabomb" And the vds should pop up. Watch her cover on "We found Love" if you wanna hear her speak :o) She spent her childhood in America so she can speak in that accent pretty comfortably (WAAAAY better than Amos Yee, trust me.) See that's one thing bout doing vlogs and recording a vd which you're gna post on youtube you just have that urge to speak in a clear american accent idk why. I can't do it well tho lol. & anyway val speaks singlish when she isn't facing the camera. By Singlish I mean how sg newscasters speak. Like thr aren't any LA LEH MEH MAH but it isn't exactly an american accent. Just polished singlish I guess haha. YOU (Yes you reading this right now) should speak polished singlish. It's not bout being cool, just that it gives off a better impression. + You do kinda sound better educated when you're able to converse comfortably w/ ppl from all walks of life (Aka adults..)
Last note: Good conversational skills doesn't begin w/ having good vocab. Grammar always comes first. Which is why once you get your grammar right, you may even beat the caucasians in an el essay cos down thr (Or up.. America's in the north from whr we are right?) They may have good grammar but not vocab. Yeeeah they do have slangs but in terms of words you can find only in an oxford dict, don't be surprised if your vocab is wider than some of em'.
Wokay. This post is so outta the blue. Hope I stay awake during service tmr.. & Reunion dinner in JB.


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