Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dear you,

I was planning to do dedications and I will but not now teehee. Lazy uh. Somemore, I realised I got a lot of girls who made an impact on my life this year so that means a hell lot of dedications.. I'll leave the pics here first so you all know who's touched my heart this year awwww. Oh and not just these 5 pics I'm still looking for pics with other babes. Like prolly.. 3 more? :) Stay tuned and I'm sho sorry! Oh and thanks ayesh for visiting :D
Updated: 1/1/11

Dear Von, you've gt a great personality and I love your laughter and how you forbid me to touch your glorious hair teehee. It's so silky you should go pai adver! Anyhoo, thanks for laughing with me and not ever judging anyone at all :) Looking forward to next year yea? Cheryl can help us put makeup again for syf. Eh wait its 2011 alr :O Lol wokay yaps, gradnight 'wo men ban mei mei' yea! Hahaha, *bing. (heart touched)
Lia lia papaya! You very funny hor, fall down so many times this year haha. I'm super grateful for you and cuiting. You guys really cheer me up a lot when i'm down. The huge bday gift was awesome really. I'll keep it forever! Show it to my children and grandchildren and- you get the point :p Also, that time when I had sorethroat and I think I weeped in class? The next day you gave me those herbal tea and a note signed off anonymous? Totally *Bing. Although I didn't really like the tea I still drank you know! Hahaha, and actually at first I thought some secret admirer gave it to me but turns out to be youuuu. Nehmind still happy :D So I wish you the best k my dearest SC x 2 (Choir and council) mate, classmate, neighbour and most imptly, my friend. :)
K I love SC but this isn't a dedication to the whole bunch of em', I didn't crop it out but its actually AYESHA. Hey ayesh-aaaa, you're reallllly special like von but a diff type of special lol. My knowledge of starwars terminator and avatar has rocketed cos of you. Just like you said in the card "I think we're very different yet the same." I kinda agree :) Like. you're this active smart girl who prolly doesn't gossip very much. You watch shows girls normally don't watch and you're def not vain. Me lol, on the other hand, is guilty of gossiping sometimes. Watch 'bimbo' shows (I still dk why Confessions of a Shopaholic is bimbo-ish :O) and I'm vai- Let's just say I care more bout' how I look outside :) Haha don't worry I've nvr spent more than a min infront of the mirror (swear). Anyway, we still laugh and joke bout the same stuff and thats awesome! :) Looking forward to more of your ayesha-ish ways this year despite the Os. *Bing
Rest to be done sometime next time, stay tuned!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Be Right Back

Hey sorry for not blogging as much have been really busy lately. With good things though, I've a lot to blog bout and plenty of pics to put up :) Well, most of em' are alr on fb but still..
Wokay, so here's a list of things that's happened recently.
1) Girls' Bbq
2) Net Outing
4) Revamp updates
5) Regional Youth Thanksgiving Dinner (Tonight)

Fiveeee in the air let's do it tgt :) teehee, So hold on to this page and I'll brb people! After today, I'll be sorta 'free-er' (Lol @ amelia's el) cos revamp would be done but I still gotta finish hwk yea. Left with 4 Chem quizzes yipee-yahooooooo.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yea. We're kickass dancers.

Friends. are forever. Gotta love my girls in ballet :) They've helped me through with so much and they're damn good in dancing. We're super committed to our work (Ms Kok said that hahaha) Even though thr are some rather quiet ones in the class but we laugh at the same stuff. Mostly cos of Alicia lol. (The one who's sitting on Meifei.) Thank god she doesn't smack our boobs anymore. Now I know when you're in a girls school you become more open hehe. Not all of em are in the pic above though..
Valerieeeeeeeee. Haven't seen you since you fell sick and laid on the toilet floor like 2 weeks ago. Come back soon wokay? You have a really cool laughter, like a dolphin really haha. Still haven't recorded it yet boohoo.
Vermelle. You're the most unique girl I've ever befriended. Though you like to draw emo stuff like someone cutting his own wrists and you listen to songs I didn't (Or the world population) know. You're actually really happy! You're like a bit of the girly and punky Avril Lavigne. Oh and I love your red hair.. I knw its faded now but still haha @ the pic. Dye it back before you go back to school! Lol oh and despite your age (13?) you know how to go diving, jetskiing and manymanymany more. Cos of your bro I suppose. And I really admire that :)
Meifei and Alicia. You guys are like the strongest in our class and you'll always coach us when we're wrong. Help me roll my muscles so it won't go bulky. Esp Fei with all the anatomy stuff you learnt in Sota, helped me alot :) Teehee. Alicia! Stop randomly punching me in the stomach lol. Oh and thanks for lending me $ all the time.
K. This is Larissa, super cute right? And this was taken during the Yog days. I remembered she pee-ed on stage and they had to make her wear a cute lil black shorts. Hahaha, so adorable. (pssst, she dances the exact same thing as us the jiejies)

Lastly, Colette Cayla and rachel.
Cayla is another one of the 'babies' , really like her bushy eyebrows hee. Colette and Rachel on the other hand are from the Macpherson branch. But recently they've been coming to our class at Scape. Got to talk to each of them for a while during or aft classes. I always had the judgement that ppl who club or smoke are rude and dirty and have f-word fetishes but they're prob the nicest ppl I've met :) Its really easy to talk to them. Somemore, Rachel's 18. Looking forward to seeing more of em next year. I like blossoming friendships :)
Wokay, this post was kinda random. Just a thought anyway.
Oh the revamp is in progress hehehe, so excited :D

Friday, December 17, 2010

[M/V] miss A "Bad Girl, Good Girl" from [BAD BUT GOOD]

I really like this. It's unlike the usual cutesy kpop songs, and the dance also not bad :) Go Miss A!

Crazy Acts.

I've always liked selena gomez's bob. So chic and seems really easy to handle. But I was also in love with longlonglong locks which look really feminine. I've cut my hair countless times this year end. Most recent one was tdy and it wasn't even planned.
This is jessica simpsons in her mv for the song I belong to me. It shows her cutting off her long hair into shoulder length hair. I wonder if she really did it? Or was it extensions she snipped off. Anyway, I was in the toilet trimming my fringe and was humming the song then I just went ahead, pulled the ends of my hair. And cut off bout 4 inches. I didn't know what got into me, guess that when you're rlly into a song you do crazy things. (Yea, thr were other things bothering me too). Anyway, it got rlly choppy cos I (obviously) didnt do a good job. I can't even draw a perfect circle let alone cut my own hair. So i skipped down to one of the many random hair salons nearby and tidied it up. Now its shorter but at least neater. Okay I promise, from tdy onwards I'm not gonna cut it (not even trim it) until next yr end. :)

So this is me. I don't like the right side its kinda flat. But oh well..
Wokay, bye!
P.s. My previous post was just to vent my.. (not anger just a lil frustration). Hate it when I know a secret I don't wanna know.

Forgive me?

Y'know what?

But not so sorry I'm gonna lick your feet.
And just like these guys right here?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

What goes up must come down.

The 3 biggest things that took place in my life for 2010 are over. (Except Christmas). And next year's thr's just gonna be new surprises, downfalls and a whole lot more of mugging. It really bugs me but I just hate it when good things come to an end. Makes me realise that nothing lasts forever or even the period you wished it would. Every happy thing is like a lighted candle and for the moments when its so beautiful you're on the top of the world then someday the wax would all melt and your everything= nothing. And its sad. Of cos, there is 1 thing that lasts for eternity. God's love. But still, with our carnal mind sometimes His love isn't enough. This is wrong but I'm still working at it. Anyway, here are some of the things that were enjoyable but ended. All I have of em now are photos and memories.

Sc camp. Was pretty awesome that the sec3s were in charge and we got to manage our own time. Although gotta say last year's was better. Sometimes, following's much more fun than leading. Status=Over.
My birthday :) 22nd October fyi. It was the best birthday I've ever ever ever vvvver vvvvvvvveeer errrrr eeeevverrr had in my 15 years on earth. Usually I'll have a dinner with parents followed by cake, song and present opening. Last year, I got a sewing machine from my parents (Wasn't the most useful present) But still, thanks dad mom! Anyhoo, my friends weren't so much of the festive type so didn't receive many gifts or even wishes for that matter. But this year I got so many wishes and anonymous presents under my table hahaha. Choir was the best, the cake and all. I screamed and screamed when lia took out the board. I love surprises, you can give me a surprise anytime.
Then, there was YOG. Both good and bad, bad my grades dropped like hell. Good I got to dance my heart out and have fun at it. The practices were crazy, morning till morning. (Literally). Like 7am-1am. Just dancing and figuring out our positions. The lil girls were the cutest, too bad I don't see much of em cos we're from diff branches. Oh the moment I'll never forget, was when Ms June Lee the Vp of School of Dance did the (y) to me. Walked to me and said "Idk whats your name but you were very good. very good." And I didn't screech like those Bimbos on tv, I swallowed my pride and just smiled. So even though YOG caused me to fail 5 subjs, thank god I went in and experienced so much. Oh but sth I think is really unfair is that other schools that participated had cip points or cca points. I heard from one of them that they maxed out their points cos of yog. School of Dance has nth. Cos we're not associated with any schools we're just a dance company. Which kinda.. sucks. Oh well, Choir do more cip!
Lastly, youth camp in June. It was better than I expected, I thought I'd be a loner there cos I've backslided without Weini gg to edge with me and stuff. But I got to bond with the youth so much more! Even though they're so much older, like 4-7 years gap. The games were nasty but still fun haha, downright dirty. Captain's ball with a whole raw chicken? Grossed out max haha. But still, got to experience God more thr. It's just so amazing how He forgives you every single time if you'd just ask. And I'm glad I got what I prayed for, I wanted to not be nervous or scared whn I have to pray. & now during net or aft church praying is sth enjoyable and not a burden. He's so wonderful, if only the world could see that.
So tht sums up the 3 big things that happened in 2010. Actually.. another thing is that I made new friends and got to get closer to many. Like a lot of them; Shihui, Rhia, Hilda, Von, Emily, Ayesh, Dominic, Cheryl, Bern, Jennifer, Gabriel, Caleb, Olivia. manymanymany more.
I hope my friendships never end but I know someday they will. One day I'll have to say bye to the people up there. Y'know, having that many friends doesnt mean anything at all. Cos one day they'll all have their own lives to lead and only some will stay behind to help you n be with you. And those people are usually the least expected, i do hope Min, Cat and Qing will always be there. I've sorta neglected them but it isn't easy cos we're from diff classes. But to min, i love you a lot and you'll always be a very very special friend. You were thr and accepted me when I wasn't welcomed in Jc's clique. I'll always be grateful for that :) Thr're many things to write bout my friends. I'll prolly do dedications some other day.
As for now, bye guys and I hope you hold on to the ppl around you!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

All I Want for Xmas.

I'm dreaming of a white christmas, with every christmas card I write. May your dreams be merry and bright and may all your christmases be white.
Yap, xmas is coming (Like next week) And I've come up with a wishlist :) I don't expect anyone to buy any of em for me.. But It's kinda just for fun so here goes.
Polaroid, its expensive I know. Esp the films, but when my new room is done I wanna take instant photos with family and friends and use a pretty peg to attach them on a long yarn string on the wall. So I'll always be remembered of the company I have.
Vans shoes! Been wanting this a long time.. It's really good quality and I don't have any going out shoes other than school shoes and track shoes.
An assortment of sticky notes! I really need em for next yr when I'll have heaps of notes and I gotta categorise them and such. Also to make a quick note to remind myself of chores or hwk.
A waterbottle, definitely bigger than this hahaha :) Just found this pic rlly cool. I don't drink a lot of water so an average sized one will be good. (Um, but not those pokka green tea plastic type) best if its blue, hee.
Lastly, a reliable source to watch glee! Was gonna ask for the disc for season 1 selling at $60 at HMV but.. I don't mind if you give me a website that is 100% reliable for every ep in season 1 and 2. :) So bring it on, fellow gleeks.

K this is nth, just found it really cute hahaha. The artist is awesome being able to draw sth like that. Even if it was digital art. I like how Quinn's undie shows, totally cheerleader type. Besides, a cartoon butt isn't at all obscene :)
Wokay, that's all I want. Maybe not for christmas.. potential ideas for my bday next yr huh! haha :p Buy-eeeeeeee.


So. I've been wanting this for a really long time :) I'm gonna hack down the custom made bed I have in my room cos I've grown and it isn't conducive for studying under the bed with the small space. So we're gonna just make it into a simple room: Bed,study table, bookshelf. Not much of an impact now but once its done I'll put it side by side with my 'before' pic and you guys can see k? It'll prolly be done by year end. (In 2 weeks.. Sigh)
I found this really cute hahaha, with the lego. The one on the left looks so 80's retro. Anyway, I left early from the class outing to meet dad at redhill. (In the end he got tired of waiting so I took the bus to ikea myself.) We went ard looking for naise furniture. And I've got KIVs for a bed, study table and bookshelf alr! It's really naise and I hope I get to paint my wall light blue too. Oh and dinner was yummilicious, had foodgasms all the way. The good ole meatballs and chicken wings. We got this salmon thing too and dessert.
I like how the cafeteria is structured, my dad says its like that in high school. Why can't sec school do the same.. Like each day there're diff menus and we just take our trays and choose whatever we want and the $$$ can be included in our monthly or (term) school fees. Smart eh?

Oh this is supposed to be meatballs ._. Wokay, the pics i used for this post is kinda fail. I'll choose better ones next time promise :) There's a lot I wanna say bout the class outing, not on the outing itself but kinda like a matter. Like a common situation, that'll be coming up next I guess. So I alternate between posts on my life and what I think to keep the balance.
bye! (And wish me luck on my room!)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Night Owl.

And its killing me. My left eye itches so bad I think I'll go blind with all the rubbing. If I had a private pool I'll prolly go moon tanning now. Random: Have you ever tried skinny dipping? I've not. I think its kinda okay if you're alone. (But hey whats the fun in that? Hahaha, kidding.)
Oh anyway, this isn't the revamp post. Tmr prolly.
Just feel like taking drowsy pills (sleeping pills.) I'm sucha night owl, most awake at night. It'll prolly be good if I'm the sort who goes partying at zouk or whatever but I ain't so screw that :l My life has no room for partying/drinking/smoking. God fills it up to the brim already. Woohoo (Blue smurf thingy pops up and waves arms on msn)
Since I'm nowhere near dozing off.. time to read the bible. Yest I skipped to revelations, kinda scary knowing bout the suffering even the good would have to go through :( But wht happens next. That's worth the pain :) Wokiedokes, have fun sleeping :)
P.s I kinda wanna make the bbq to a all girls thing. It'll be more fun :?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Stay tuned!

No. I've not forgotten this baby of mine :)
Just finding the right time to blog.
So stay tuned to my next post coming right up!
Here's a sneak peak: The title's gonna be "Revamp"
To make this pathetic post look longer..


Turnaround, every now and then I get a
little bit lonely and you're never coming around
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit terrified and then I see the look in your eyes
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart

Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit restless and I dream of something wild
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit helpless and I'm lying like a child in your arms
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit angry and I know I've got to get out and cry
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit terrified but then I see the look in your eyes
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart

And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight

Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart

Saturday, December 11, 2010


I'm uber happy today! Why? Cos I attended ballet for the 1st time in a long time :) Got a lot to catch up on so wish me luck! AND I got merit for Inter Found :D I know its not distinction and I know I also got merit last time for grade 7 but last time I got 55 (just merit), now its a 66! B3 if you look at it that way :) Gonna work hard for grade 8! And hopefully Inter if dad allows me to continue despite the big Os. Moving on.. AND I did christmas shopping tdy. Since class is at scape which is like the big oh shopping district I went to somerset to get dad's and mom's gifts! I know they wouldn't read my blog so I'm just gonna say it here. I got a blouse for mom at new look, gonna get another thing maybe jewels or sth. and for dad I got him shoes from VANS I've always wanted a shoe from vans and the 1st one I bought for now is.. not for me. But still, haha merry christmas! And its so expensive for a shoe.. Okay I've seen more expensive ones but still. Its $129.. So my dad better love it lol :p
Tadah. This is its logo. Thr's even a vault for the limited edition shoes and thr door's those of a bank with the huge wheel thingy (its surely a fake.. I think.) Oh and we (Me, alicia and vermelle) also went ard to look for naise apparel. Zara had nth that caught my eye cos its the winter collection and we all know its summer all yr round here. But we went to forever 21 and I bought sth, 1 thing out of all the apparels in all the 4 floors.

Not bad eh? Think I'll wear it to the class outing :) Oh haha, thank goodness I had friends thr. My atm card exceeded limit think cos of the shoes so I used cash. Lent a few bucks from em'. yap. So thats why Imma happy girl today heeeeheee.
Oh I have so many choices of plans tmr.. Sigh. Idk which one to attend. I sure wish I can go to the Ballet Marathon thing (Classes all the way) but im not sure my dad would allow me to since I gotta study. Humph :l Ah well, we'll see.
And wow! A post bout my life like finally hahaha :) Wokay, goodluck to all you hidden readers and buyee!
Just keep on swimming, keep on swimming.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Child Prostitution

Most of us are like her, happy and contented w our lives. I am, though sometimes I get angry just cos my dad wouldn't let me have the newest in thing or when I couldn't watch a movie. Then some others here get into gang fights or disputes on the web which doesnt make any sense cos its all talk. Like a snow ball fight, they hurl insults at each other and their identity sometimes unknown cos its on the web (that would be their fort) then in the end ta-dah nth really happens. Like total anti climax, the whole thing was just for show. With all the hokkien or whtever dialects "humji" blabla. And the victim often suddenly goes into self pity like "Waillll, she called me a biatch. :(" & Its rlly alright for them to feel that way cos its their lives but honestly. They should quit being so caught up with these small stuff when some other place in the world a young girl is being raped.
Or have to give her 'service' when a man comes. Child prostitution is so real.. The last one i heard bout in sg was the huang na case but thats not prostitution even. (rip) I'm talking bout girls who don't have a choice cos all their lives they've been living in brothels and having un protected sex and get hivs and stuff. And they get wasted and treated as.. toys. Like damn it can't those guys buy a sex toy for themselves? You can even make one.. but lets not go into that. Anyway, gah its so frustrating when like prolly now some girl's crying at the pain and you can't do anything. I've always wanted to do missions with the church, they go to places whr they plant the church. I wish they'd plant one like in the center of the slum or the places with the highest no. of activity.

I just wish someone would fly thr and exterminate all the guys who've screwed a child who was unwilling. They're so afraid of sex when its supposed to be sth beautiful. Like with the one you love (married), and all their lives they've been having sex for the wrong reasons and they cant stop it. Like.. Charity is good and all, the old folks do need food and facilities but money isn't the best way of helping other ppl. The best donation is yourself, to like rlly go out thr experience it all see it for urself and take action. Idk much bout Mother Theresa but from what I know she's the real deal. She actually does it. When in sg, the mediacorp artistes just work hard for a performance or dance and then ppl donate. Like (i'm sorry but) its so stupid. "I shall donate money to the sick and poor cos joanne peh looked so awesome dancing just now." huh?
Might as well show a documentary (I know they did but it was just small clips) bout the ppl's lives so the ppl actually donate cos they want to help or maybe cos they sympathise them. But at least the money was given for the right cause.. Sigh, why did God create sex if he knew it was gonna cause this much trouble. This was a rlly long post which prolly doesnt make sense :l
humph, byee.

celine dion ft. josh groban, the prayer

This is really really really good!
Oldies aren' that bad eh. At least people like celine dion, josh groban, bonnie tyler or even christina aguilera sound perfect live. Other more mainstream ones or even kpop have their own voices on the track played and they just sing along. & more emotion are put into the song in oldies. Even in mainstream, some aren't too bad. Like So what by Pink. Oh yeah, Ellen is uber funny hahaha. The bathroom concert series is gold. In the arms of an angel is still my favourite slow song, can dance a contemp piece with it. Oh speaking of which, thr was a dance workshop no one told me bout :l Anyway its over, and the level 5 students performed a contemp piece, have yet to see it but their costumes are so cool. Just a plain collared white shirt and contemp shorts. Those short shorts which shows off alota skin. But for dance purposes, i guess its okay :) TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART is my fav song title. Like instead of saying heartbroken, they say this. Sigh.. I wish I was born way earlier when more ppl my age appreciated oldies. Compared to all that rap crap and cutesy korean dancing groups. K the girls band are kinda catchy but when they grow old and become less sexy and mobile.. Who's gonna listen to them? Oh but Taeyeon and Jessica do have good voices, if only they sang better songs. Like, celine dion is still famous and singing even now aft all those years, cos she had TALENT. She didn't have to dress in itsy bitsy clothing and dance in her mvs to catch ppl's attention.
Wokay, choir concert ltr. Only 2 songs and we gotta put makeup.. I rmb loving makeup so much whn i was younger. I'll put the lipstick as blusher. But now its just unappealing, so mafan to clean and gotta be careful if you wanna rub your eyes or whtever. Pretty vs Comfy. Feeling comfy is still (y). Besides, you can look like Rose Mcgowan or have boobs like Scarlett Johansson's or even a butt-to-die-for like Kim Kardashian.(She got botox at her hips to make her butt look bigger fyi), If you're a total bitch you're still as ugly as a chicken cross dog which got slammed down by a truck. Thats a diff thing altogether though..

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Glee - Total Eclipse Of The Heart HD

I'm in love with this song. Esp glee's cover. Though the ballet part was a wee bit disappointing but the singing just makes up for it :)
Cory's acting is really good, the emotions and all.
Have been searching for places to watch glee but can't, mac can't support funshion.
It's pretty late now.. just can't sleep. I sometimes wish humans had no feelings, esp love. Cos in our culture seems like it always has to be dug out and not given. Even if in the end it just has to be rejected at least for that moment it's beautiful. Cos love takes courage and courage sometimes takes love.
Wokay, bye..
P.s please tag when you visit cos for a moment I thought no one reads my blog so I can post whatever I want. :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sarah McLachlan - Angel

Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance
For a break that would make it okay
There's always some reason
To feel not good enough
And it's hard at the end of the day

I need some distraction
Oh beautiful release
Memories seep from my veins
Let me be empty
Oh and weightless and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight

In the arms of the angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear

You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here

So tired of the straight line
[ From: ]
And everywhere you turn
There's vultures and thieves at your back
The storm keeps on twisting
Keep on building the lies
That you make up for all that you lack

It don't make no difference
Escaping one last time
It's easier to believe
In this sweet madness
Oh this glorious sadness
That brings me to my knees

In the arms of the angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear

You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here

You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here.

When I listen to this song it's like I can find peace with myself. It's so soothing. Def an old song, but sure rocks. Reminds me a bit of Feels like Home. Also slow and the lyrics are really meaningful, like literature. Sigh, should have taken lit. Would be easy for an R1. But whats done is done.. Enjoy everyone! I hope you do listen to this song haha :)